I mean, the Predator was literally, like, a guy in a Predator suit. A lot more of it was real, I think, than people expect. RASCOE: Did you see the actual Predator a lot, or was that mostly CGI? There were a lot - there are also a lot of animals in there. The Predator is an alien from another planet who hunts for sport and looks to find the best opponent and take that for a trophy, essentially. I mean, this was the first "Predator" script I'd ever read, so I feel like I was in that boat a little bit. Give a little background for people who may not know about the Predator. I really, really like this movie, but, you know, I have not seen the other Predator movies, I will admit.

RASCOE: So thanks so much for joining us. Amber Midthunder plays Naru in "Prey," which premieres on Hulu next Friday, and she joins us now. But when she warns her community of a new threat she's witnessed, a highly evolved alien with advanced weapons, no one seems to believe her - that is, until there is no other choice but to fight for their lives. It tells the story of Naru, a young Comanche woman desperate to prove she belongs among the fiercest warriors of her tribe. "Prey," the latest film in the sci-fi franchise, is set in the Great Plains 300 years ago. Predator, the bloodthirsty, trophy-hunting alien, is back this summer.