Interactive Map: A handy overview of the locations in the game.Task List: View a list of your active tasks.Journal: Automatically updated with additional details gathered from your investigation.Explore the area and find out if there is a paranormal connection to this murder! Visit the family’s home to examine the crime scene. Shortly followed by the mysterious murder of his wife. The story begins – with a movie-quality introduction – first at the funeral of a well-known New York lawyer.With 35 unique locations to unlock and explore. Plus a bonus chapter in the Collector’s Edition (CE). With settings for the amount of help, hints and skips you get. Each level can be customized to your personal preference. Play in 3 levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal and Hard modes.

With loads of puzzles, tricky mini-games and some very good silhouette interactive hidden object games (iHOGs).Her first task is to determine if this case is due to paranormal causes! And report back to her ‘real’ boss at the secret society, The White Stone Order.Assisting the police in an unusual and high-profile murder! Play as Laura James, journalist and undercover paranormal investigator.New York Mysteries 3 The Lantern of Souls Collectors Edition New York Mysteries 3 – Game Play & Features